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Matterhorn Museum – Gives away Interesting History!

Matterhorn wasn’t always so easy to Climb or Reach

The Matterhorn is wonderful and a large number of tourists and travellers are attracted to this place every year. In fact, the number of tourists and travellers over here are double that of the population of Zermatt itself. However, not a lot of people know about the wonderful and amazing history of Matterhorn. The Matterhorn museum has been set up for this very purpose and a large number of tourists flock the museum along with the mountain peak, day in and day out. Yet, these tourists are able to climb Matterhorn only because Edward Whymper ascended this peak that was officially termed to be impossible to climb.

There is a Museum that explains it all!

No, the first climb wasn’t fully successful because it ended in a tragedy and all of it is explained properly inside the museum. However, it is nice to have a piece of information right in the middle of the mountains. If one is bored of all the adventure, mountains and such other kind of stuff then, climbing on the mountains can take a complete break while you visit this lovely museum. Moreover, unlike a lot of regular museums, this is actually a very interesting one. It will give you a whole lot of information about the heavenly Matterhorn Mountain peak and you are going to fall all the more in love with it.


8 Climbers did this Wonderful Thing!

Although, there is much to learn about Matterhorn from this wonderful museum, the 3 displays are the best things out there. The most important one is the one that tells you the story of Matterhorn’s first ever climb. This was in 1865 and Edward Whymper achieved this remarkable feat. You can find full details at the museum. Whymper wasn’t the lone climber of the mountain; he had 7 other people for company. Thus, a total of 8 people climbed the Matterhorn peak and have very well gone down victoriously on the pages of history. These peoples have done a great job and have done humanity a huge favour.

Sadly, this victory has its share of tragedy. Out of the 8, one of the climbers slipped and pulled 4 others along. 4 of them did not survive this dreaded fall. Apparently, the climbers said that half the rope had snapped while descending, leading those in the lower portion to die.